This year’s AGM is being held on Sunday 19th June and as per section 14 of the Constitution, the Club is calling for applications for positions on the Executive Committee.There are a couple of existing committee members standing down and we are therefore looking for members to put their names forward for positions on the executive. If you are interested but wish to know more about what is involved please email [email protected].
Nominations are to be received at least 14 days prior to the AGM. If you are interested please complete the form attached to the whiteboard at the club or send your nomination to [email protected].
The Executive Committee consists of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasury and up to seven other persons.
We are also asking for members to indicate their interest in any of the Appointed Positions as shown on page two of the Club Handbook. If you are interested, please complete the form attached to the whiteboard at the club or send your nomination to [email protected]. Appointed Positions will be made by the new Executive Committee at their first meeting based on nominations received. The exceptions to this are the Match Committee and Greens Committee which are appointed prior to the AGM.