Please click here to complete our survey. It should only take a couple of minutes and your feedback will be really valuable to us. Please note that the survey is anonymous. We just want your feedback. Also, as some email addresses reach two members (eg wife/husband) it's OK to send in one response or two, whichever you prefer. We intend to have the survey results available for discussion at the Mid Year Meeting on 21st February. If you have any problems in completing the survey, technical or otherwise, please email [email protected]
On Sunday 10th January or annual Double Singles competition took place, organised by Paul Smith, which was a lot of fun. Congratulations to Peter Alsop, the winning skip and to Roy Rogers, the winning lead. On Tuesday 12th January the Club Aggregate Shields competition started. On Wednesday 13th January the Mens Pennants competition started up again with Round #2 being played which was postponed from 4th November. Two 6-0 scorelines were recorded, a win to the Division Three team and a loss to the Division One team. On Saturday 16th January the final of the Club Championship Women's Triples took place. Congratulations to winners Robyn Tuckett (s), Mary Sue Critchlow and Christine Hewitt. Runners Up were Josie Coombe (s), Margaret Opray and Rachel Fiso. Also on Saturday 16th January, the Club Championship Men's Singles got under way with the first section playing qualification matches. Five players qualified for post section play. The second section will play their qualification matches on Saturday 30th January. On Tuesday 19th January the Club Aggregate Shields competition was canned due to the weather. On Wednesday 20th January our Mens Pennants teams were in action again playing another postponed round, with both teams losing 2-4.. On Thursday 21st January our Womens Pennants team played in Rounds #7 & 8, losing both matches 0-8.
Yes, it's that time of year again! Our extremely popular Mates In Bowls starts on 27th January and continues on Wednesday evenings through to early March. Each year returning players are joined by new ones. These are fun evenings for newcomers to bowls and for those who have played just a little bit. You can find all the details on our Bowls Silverstream facebook page, including an application form. Get your name down now and join in the fun!
January 2024